

High Yield Opportunity i IPO-Podden

High Yield Opportunity in the IPO Pod

Kreditfonden's and Finserve's manager Peder Broms talks about Finserve Nordic AB's latest fund with a focus on high yield bonds with the IPO-Podden. The High Yield Opportunity fund is available at NGM and...
Februari: fortsatt styrka i investerade trender

February: continued strength in invested trends

We saw a sharp turn in the market during February where the whole rise supported by good reports disappeared in the fear of higher interest rates in the latter part of the month. The reports from the tech companies...
Månadsrapport februari 2021 – NFF

Monthly report February 2021 – NFF

NAV rate in February was 101.09, which gives an increase for the month of 0.47 (0.467%). We are satisfied with that. We dip below 0.50 due to February only having…
Månadsrapport februari 2021 – SCF I

Monthly report February 2021 – SCF I

NAV rate for February was 101.08, an increase on the month of 0.48 ( 0.477%) and a standard deviation of 0.91. The reason we dip below 0.50 is a short month…