Responsible Investments & Sustainability
Sustainability risks mean an environmental, social or governance-related event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or potential negative impact on the value of the investment or society. For us, therefore, a responsible investment, regardless of management profile, means one that, in addition to financial returns, also takes into account the associated sustainability risks. Therefore, sustainability risks are integrated into all our funds' investment decision processes.
Integration of sustainability risks
Read more about Finserves Nordic's handling of responsible investments, as well as the integration of sustainability risks in Finserve Nordic's policy for responsible investments.
Based on the requirements of the European Union Regulation 2019/2088, there is further description of the funds' integration of sustainability risks and strategy described in the respective information brochure.

In order to effectively manage the integration of sustainability risks in the ongoing management, the board of Finserve has adopted a Policy for the integration of sustainability risks that all funds under Finserve's management must follow. In addition to guidance for investment professionals regarding Finserve's responsible investment process, the policy contains a list of exceptions. The purpose of this is to ensure that investments do not take place in companies and industries that Finserve considers to be in direct conflict with the sustainability commitment adopted by Finserve's board.

We exclude companies involved in products and services in controversial weapons (cluster weapons, anti-personnel landmines, biological weapons, chemical weapons), tobacco, pornography, coal and uranium mining. The funds also exclude companies that violate international conventions and are subject to international sanctions. Even companies whose operations do not fall under the exception list can pose sustainability risks. These may, but do not have to be decisive for which investments are selected in each fund, given that they are compatible with the individual fund's information.
Finserve is a management company with several innovative funds. All with a clear management profile in the interest and equity area. The fund offering spans several investment strategies and geographies and thus has relatively different sustainability risks. The ability to consider in each investment decision whether the investment's main negative consequences for sustainability factors such as environmental, social and personnel-related issues, business ethics, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and bribery therefore differ between the funds.

Refund Policy
Read more about our compensation principles on the Important information page.

Codes of conduct and international standards
Finserve is a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI), the world's largest cooperative body for responsible investment. The fact that Finserve is a signatory also means that all funds under Finserve's management are obliged to incorporate PRI's six principles for responsible investments. The agreement is not binding, but by signing the principles, Finserve has committed to the means to incorporate and implement the ESG aspects (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) in the daily work and in the investments.
The commitment is evaluated annually by submitting a report on our work with sustainable investments. At the beginning of 2021, Finserve joined the organization Sweden's Forum for Sustainable Investments (SWESIF), an independent association for cooperation in sustainability issues. During the first half of 2022, development work will take place to adapt the sustainability profile to the disclosure requirements set by SFDR. When the work is complete, the idea is that the Sustainability Profile should clearly give investors the opportunity to compare funds linked to the Sustainability Profile regarding which sustainability criteria they use in their management based on the requirements set by the EU. When this work is complete, Finserve will publish its funds' respective sustainability profiles on its website.