Fund development
You can find complete information about Finserve's funds in the funds' Fact Sheets and Information Brochures. On the same page, you will also find other documents including full and half-year reports. The material on these pages is intended as general product information only. It should not be seen as investment advice or investment recommendations, and should not be used as a basis for investment decisions. You should always read the fund's Fact Sheet and Information Brochure/Prospectus before you start saving in a fund. We cannot guarantee that the information is complete and it is subject to change without notice. The published share value (NAV rate) is based on the most current data available.

Why this fund?

This is how the fund generates returns in 6 steps
- The investor buys shares in the fund
- The fund has agreements with operators or factoring companies that through factoring acquire invoices from companies approved by the fund
- The factoring company ensures that the invoice recipient confirms receipt of the goods or service before the invoice is financed
- The invoices are pledged in the name of the fund and serve as security.
- The factoring companies ensure that the invoices are paid by the end customer they are issued to and the fund receives interest on the invested capital
- The interest income generated in the fund primarily constitutes the change in the fund's net asset value (NAV) and thus the investor's return over time
Quick facts
- The AIF manager is Finserve Nordic AB
- Issuer is Mangold Fondkommission AB
- Stock exchange/listing takes place on Nordic Growth Market
- Market Maker is ABG Sundal Collier ASA
- Custodial institutions are Danske Bank A/S, Denmark, Sweden Branch
- Independent valuation function consists of independent function within Finserve Nordic
- The compliance function – Mangold AB
- Auditor is PwC by Peter Sott

Who can invest
Private individuals
Anyone who has a deposit or VP account via a bank or fund commission agent can invest in Vinstandelslån, as these are listed on NGM (Nordic Growth Market).
Profit sharing loans can also be an asset type in a deposit insurance (capital insurance or pension insurance) or investment savings account (ISK). When investing via deposit insurance or ISK, contact should be made beforehand with your insurance company or your bank/fund commissioner if possible.
Anyone who has a deposit or VP account via a bank or fund commission agent can invest in Vinstandelslån, as these are listed on NGM (Nordic Growth Market).
Profit share loans can also be an asset type in a deposit insurance (occupational pension or endowment insurance). When investing via deposit insurance, contact should be made with your insurance company before investing to ensure that it is possible.
Discretionary management assignments
Anyone who manages discretionary management tasks can invest in Vinstandelslån, as these are listed on NGM (Nordic Growth Market).
Professional investors
Professional investors can invest in Profit Share Loans if current legislation and management mandates allow it. Contact Nordic Factoring Fund for more information.
Sales and redemption of profit share loans take place on the first banking day of each month.
Registration must be made on a special form. (Subscription can take place 4 banking days before each change of month, February to December, not January). You will find the form under Documents on this page.
Subscription can also be done with BankID via Mangold Fondkommission AB
The minimum amount for subscription is SEK 100,000.
Management concept
Investment process
The investment objects are approved by an investment committee after a well-developed credit process. The fund strives to consistently enter into engagements with borrowers whose expected return is attractive in relation to the credit risk involved in the engagement. The individual commitments are balanced against each other in order to achieve an effectively balanced credit risk for the fund as a whole. The investment objects have a low correlation with other markets and the risk in the fund must primarily be driven by credit risk and return for the fund as a whole.
Direct lending to companies
The fund's lending objects are primarily found throughout Scandinavia and are aimed at companies that are in some form of expansion, investment, refinancing, restructuring, generational financing, seasonal or other needs.
Fund units
The fund can, on a selective basis, place funds in fund shares in similar funds without geographical restriction.
The fund has the option of using derivative instruments, partly to reduce risks that are undesirable, partly to obtain exposures that are deemed attractive for the fund and its risk profile.
Interest-bearing instruments
The fund can invest liquidity in bonds.
Deposit to bank
The fund can place liquidity with credit institutions after a credit check.
Management fee
Management fee is paid partly in the form of a fixed remuneration, partly in the form of a profit-sharing remuneration.
The fixed compensation amounts to 1.6 percent per year. The fixed compensation is paid quarterly.
Profit sharing amounts to 20 percent of the fund's increase in value in addition to the average return on 3-month treasury bills after the "high watermark". High watermark means that the fund only pays a performance-based fee after any underperformance from previous periods has been compensated. The performance-based compensation is paid annually.
Brokerage, clearing fees and other transaction costs attributable to the fund's investments are paid on an ongoing basis by the fund.
The fund will be open for Early Redemption on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. In order for the fund to be able to plan its liquidity, we need to receive requests for early Redemption 90 days before the next quarter. In practice, this means that redemption needs to be available to us no later than December 31, March 31, June 30 and September 30 in order to receive redemption for the next calendar quarter.
The fund's liquidity under normal conditions amounts to 3-6% of the portfolio. If the Fund lacks sufficient liquid funds, funds for redemption must be acquired by divesting parts of the Portfolio. If such divestment due to prevailing market conditions or according to the Fund's assessment would significantly disadvantage other Investors, the Fund may delay such divestment until such divestment can take place in good order.
If funds for redemption need to be acquired through the sale of property included in the Fund, the sale must take place and the redemption executed as soon as possible. The fund may postpone the sale and redemption of the shares, if there are special reasons for the measure and it is justified by taking into account the interests of the Investors.
Redemption takes place at the NAV rate determined at the end of the calendar year quarter closest to the redemption date.
You can find the redemption form under Documents on this page.
Financial calendar
You will find all existing financial reports under the Documents section.
February 28
Annual report 2024
August 29
Half-year financial statements 2025
Deposit and withdrawal
February 25
February 27
03 March
April 2
July 01
July 10
March 26
March 28
01 April
03 July
01 October
10 October
Press releases
Nordic Factoring Fund AB (publ) – Publishes NAV price 100.41 for January 2025 and new fund manager
2025-02-03 19:31 CET
Stockholm, February 3, 2025 – Nordic Factoring Fund AB (publ), (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), in which the general public and institutional investors have been offered to subscribe to Profit Sharing Loans.
Nordic Factoring Fund AB (publ) – Publish record date 2025
2025-01-07 10:25 CET
Stockholm 7 January 2025 – Nordic Factoring Fund AB (publ), (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), in which the public and institutional investors have been offered to subscribe to Vinstandelslån.
Nordic Factoring Fund AB (publ) – Announces NAV rate 105.87 for December 2024
2025-01-02 16:48 CET
Stockholm 2 January 2025 – Nordic Factoring Fund AB (publ), (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), in which the public and institutional investors have been offered to subscribe to Vinstandelslån.
Nordic Factoring Fund AB (publ) – Announces NAV rate 105.40 for November 2024
2024-12-02 16:05 CET
Stockholm 2 December 2024 – Nordic Factoring Fund AB (publ), (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), in which the public and institutional investors have been offered to subscribe to Vinstandelslån.