After the big sector rotation in November, December was a strong month for stocks in general. GP Bullhound Thyra Hedge finished up 1.4 %…
NAV rate in December was 105.71, which gives an increase for the month of 0.50 (0.48 %). A good month that is in line…
NAV rate for December was 104.28, an increase on the month of 0.43 (0.41 %) and a standard deviation of 0.92. We land the year according to…
After the big sector rotation in November, December was a strong month for shares in general. The Global Esports Fund ended up 1.7 percent on…
The Global Security Fund increased by 4.72 percent (S share class) and 4.52 percent (R share class) during December, which was significantly better than the comparison index MSCI World TR which…
An article in HedgeNordic's latest publication "Alternative Fixed Income Strategies" describes the launch of the Nordic Direct Lending Fund. The fund offers institutions exposure to…
Thyra Hedge Fund rose by 0.7 percent in November. The stock market was extremely strong during the month, breaking record after record. The market was driven by the…
When we talk about small companies, there are different definitions depending on who you ask. The fund industry and the Stockholm Stock Exchange have different ways of categorizing companies...