The Russian invasion of Ukraine continued during the month of March. There is now even speculation about an escalation before the so-called "Victory Day"...
The net return for Exelity during the month of March was -2.5 %, compared to -1.8 % for the OMXS30 index. The negative return is explained by our largest listed…
HedgeNordic has interviewed Scandinavian Credit Fund's CIO Fredrik Sjöstrand on how the fund has managed to perform sub-target, yet positive, single-digit returns, despite…
Due to the article published in Realtid on February 16, 2022 with the title "Several crashed high-risk products in the Credit Fund", we would like to...
Our weekly market round-up with Inge Heydorn and Nejla-Selma Salkovic. Today's episode covers this week's market update, the impact of the Ukraine war…
When we talk about small companies, there are different definitions depending on who you ask. The fund industry and the Stockholm Stock Exchange have different ways of categorizing companies...